Egyptian Sun God Ra:
Pattern Picture
latest design
that we are working on is a gorgeous Egyptian Artifact. I have been
Egyptian art since I was a child in elementary school. It wasn't until recently that I was browsing
through a book of copyright free images of Egyptian art that I came across this design. It is a
breast plate of the Egyptian Sun God Ra depicted as a hawk which was found in the tomb of
King Tuthankhamen. It really intrigued me to the point that I knew that I had to get this into cross
stitch. With the help of my friends' husband who is very well versed in Egyptology (Thank you
Alan!!), I was able to get the colors down for this piece of art. This picture is the finished design
as per my cross stitch program. This is what it will look like when it is finished. I was so excited
the day that I finished working on the design, that I couldn't wait to get started stitching it. Since
I didn't have any black evenweave handy, I decided to do it on 14 count black aida. I don't mind
working with quarter stitches on aida cloth, but I do recommend using 28 ct evenweave if you
don't like to work with quarter stitches as this is loaded with them for the detail.
The finished stitch size of this design is 133 x 122 stitches. It will be approximately 9.5 x 8 5/8
inches when its completely
at 14 ct (or 28 ct over 2).
Egyptian Sun God Ra:
WIP Scan to date
is finally finished! And is now available for sale through your local
needlework store. I am so thrilled with this design. It looks
absolutely stunning in person. The gold just shines throughout
this whole design and it is very captivating. If you would like to
order this design, please contact your local needlework store and ask
them to order it for you. If you don't have a local needlework store,
please email us at
we will find one that is close to you.
<>If you should have any comments about this design
please email me at the above address as well.
I found
picture on line when I was searching to find a picture of the actual
piece. It is very close to the finished design up above. I would love
to hear your comments on this design.
Thanks again, and Happy Stitching!