Please click on Printable Version andprint off the order form and send with your completed order.

Make a note of our shipping charges on this page for adding to the order form.

Thank you from all of us at Cross Stitch Criteria.

 Shipping Charges For Patterns


     1-2 items = $2.65
     3-4 items = $4.55

United States

1-2 items = $3.50
3-4 items = $6.00


Each item = $4.00 US

Shipping Charges For Craft Items


     1-2 items = $1.50
      3-4 items = $3.00

United States

1-2 items = $2.00
3-4 items = $4.00


Each item = $4.00 US

All prices in US dollars.
All items are shipped air mail.